Provide Internet Connectivity for Our Students
Although Hila Initiative is fully volunteer based, financial support is required to improve Internet connectivity so that students are able to attend our online classes. Upgrading a student's mobile phone data package costs on average 32 € per month. Lump-sum donations, or recurring monthly donations of any amount are extremely meaningful. You may also donate here If you wish to contribute specifically to our laptop drive to enable eligible students to participate in the Coursera IT.
** NOTE: French donors may deduct 66% of donations from their taxes **
Hila Initiative est reconnue comme un organisme d'intérêt général. Les dons qu'elle reçoit ouvrent droit à la réduction d'impôts prévue à l'article : 200-1-b et 238 bis-1 du CGI. Donateurs recevront un Reçu Fiscal.
Each donation directly impacts the lives of former university students by giving them the means to join our program.
We sincerely thank you for your support !